Embracing Arlington Arts has an active media outreach program that has resulted in several “hits” in local media sources.
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The Embracing Arlington Arts President Janet Kopenhaver was honored to be asked to participate in the Lee Highway Alliance Vision 2050 video. In the video, Janet talks about the importance of the arts, the initiative to have a quality and flexible performing arts venue built in Arlington and how the arts impact us.
The Washington Post published a Letter to the Editor from the Embracing Arlington Arts Treasurer Robert Goler about how the organization is helping Arlington arts organizations and artists through this COVID-19 crisis through weekly ZOOM “support group” calls where we swap intelligence, discuss the shutdown, ways to keep in front of audiences and hear from experts in several important focus areas listed on our COVID-19 Resources page.
The Embracing Arlington Arts President Janet Kopenhaver wrote a blog for the Arlington Chamber of Commerce that detailed the many ways (on top of financial support) in which our corporate sector can help non-profit arts organizations. The blog was especially relevant during the shutdown that is seriously and negatively impacting our arts and culture industry so drastically.
Janet Kopenhaver was the featured guest on the Stagecraft radio show and podcast with Alex Vidales and Don Zientara to talk about such things as dearth of performing arts venues in Arlington, new lobbying strategy for the arts nationwide, how theater has been changing over the years, biggest surprise about fundraising and so much more!
Embracing Arlington Arts President Janet Kopenhaver and Board Member Sara Duke served on the Arlington Community Arts Advisory Committee set up in response to the outcry from Arlingtonians about County Manager’s proposed draconian cuts to the arts budget. The recommendations were presented to the County Manager and Embracing Arlington Arts announced its support of this report, with the caveat that work still needs to be done for the Joint Use theater scheduling process with local schools. InsideNova covered the release.
Embracing Arlington Arts is producing a podcast series with very successful regional Artistic Directors to talk about the industry, their experiences and pros and cons of a career in arts management. The series will then be shared with high school students who are interested in this type of career to provide them with some resources to help them decide. InsideNova covered this initiative.
Arlington Magazine published an in-depth article about the state of the arts in Arlington, featuring many arts organizations, artists and the work Embracing Arlington Arts did to fight the budget cuts, as well as our continued efforts to advocate and make the arts more visible and vibrant in the County.
However, in this article, a statistical table was included comparing levels of arts funding from three jurisdictions (Arlington, DC and Montgomery County) which upon review we believed was not accurate and appeared misleading. Therefore we submitted this Letter to the Editor in an attempt to clear up the discrepancy.
Continuing the fight against the draconian cuts to the arts in Arlington proposed by the County Manager, Embracing Arlington Arts and Encore Stage and Studio organized a Rally/Celebration on the Courthouse Plaza immediately preceding the public budget hearing. ArlNow picked up the story and plugged the event.
Following the release of the Arlington County Manager’s proposed draconian cuts to the arts budget in fiscal year 2020, Embracing Arlington Arts sent out a Press Release detailing how devastating these cuts will be and how disproportional they are when considering the overall budget that is earmarked for the arts. ArlNow published a story using that release.
Embracing Arlington Arts, in partnership with Arlington Independent Media, hosted a County Board Candidate Forum on the Arts in Arlington last month. It was a standing room only crowd of very energetic arts supporters. The candidates discussed the arts and it was uplifting to hear both for them stress the importance and positive impact the arts have in Arlington.
It was an honor to be asked to draft the first “Progressive Voices” column in ArlNow under the leadership of two new writers of that column. It focused on the many positive impacts the arts have on so many sectors of our community, and the points were made more impactful by including quotes from Arlingtonians personally helped by the arts.